

The JIMS Re-search is a premium platform that connects researchers and students. We invite researchers to inform and engage with every medical student by posting job offers and opportunities.


enlightenedPhD candidates/postdoctoral fellows:

The laboratory for Pediatric Hematology Research at the Felsenstein Medical Research Center is looking for excellent PhD candidates/postdoctoral fellows. Our clinically applicative research of severe congenital neutropenia and leukemia development uses state of the art technologies including human stem cells, CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and RNA-seq. The research is performed in collaboration with a leading lab in Germany (mutual visits are planned).

Category: Research Mentorship (thesis)

Type: Basic Sciences Research

DepartmentSevere congenital neutropenia and leukemia development.

Location: Center

Eligibility: MD/PHD

Duration3-5 years


Name: Orna Steinberg Shemer

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: +972-544929696

More info: https://www.felsenstein-center.com/lab/Pediatric-Hematology-Research


enlightenedMD Thesis at Ichilov Hospital:

Research student for MD thesis in the Arthritis Research Laboratory at the Rheumatology Department Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov) The research project: Inflammatory arthritis includes a group of arthritis diseases accompanied by joint pain and swelling caused by inflammation. Search for novel disease-modifying therapeutic agents for administration through intra-articular injections (directly to the joints) with potential to modulate synovial inflammation. The study includes work with cell cultures , cellular and molecular methods

Category: Research Mentorship (thesis)

Type: Translational Research

Department: Rheumatology

Location: Tel Aviv

Eligibility: Pre-clinical Student


Name: Dr. Smadar Gertel

Email: [email protected] 

More info: https://rnd.tasmc.org.il/laboratories/the-arthritis-research-laboratory/


enlightenedResearch assistant in The Laboratory of Biological Psychiatry:

The Laboratory of Biological Psychiatry. The lab is engaged in preclinical research designed to understand the biological basis of psychiatric disorders and to develop more effective drugs. First Project: 
The role of iron and other heavy metals in psychiatric diseases and their treatment. Second Project: Application of psychedelic substances for the treatment of psychiatric illnesses.

Category: Paid Work & MD-PhD

Location: Jerusalem District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Dr. Bernard Lerer & Dr. Amit Lotan

Email:  [email protected] ; [email protected]

Phone: 02-6777185

More info: http://brainlabs.org.il/


enlightenedResearch assistant:

The laboratory of Dr. Shiri Sudri at the CRIR Institute - Rambam in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion looking for outstanding PhD students (MD Ph.D. D, motivated to break out forward with a fascinating study that combines the world of ophthalmology with biological research.

Category:  MD-PhD

Location: Haifa District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Dr. Shiri Sudri

Email: [email protected]


enlightenedResearch assistant:

Bio Bank and others in Shaare Zedek Hospital .

Category: Paid Work & MD-PhD

Location: Jerusalem District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Tamar Altaraz & Gili Focht

Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Phone: 02-6666482

More info: http:// https://www.szmc.org.il/heb/Departments/Peds-Gastro-Institute/Research


enlightenedResearch assistant:

Laboratory of Systems Metabolism
Institute for Drug Research, 
Faculty of Medicine. In our lab, we aim to characterize metabolic networks and in particular lipid metabolic networks for monitoring and regulating changes in biological systems by metabolic perturbations. ​Using state of the art analytical instrumentation and bioinformatic tools, we are able to identify a multitude of small molecules (metabolites) in a given sample. Using stem cell technologies and other advanced cellular, multicellular and animal models as well as clinical samples, we study the changes in lipid composition (lipidome) during developmental and pathological processes. We are especially interested in lipid metabolic zonation and the link between metabolism and cell fate.

Category: Paid Work & MD-PhD

Location: Jerusalem District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Dr. Arieh Moussaieff

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 02-26757197

More info: https://www.moussaiefflab.com


enlightenedResearch assistant in the field of Clinical Pharmacology:

Chart review and data mining of medical records at the Shamir Medical Center. For a project conducted in collaboration between Sheba Medical Center and Shamir Medical Center we are looking for a research associate. We are conducting a retrospective project which requires overview of medical records. The work requires the student to attend the Shamir Medical Center in the hours 08:00 to 16:00 in order to go through the medical records. This is a volunteer work, the student will be a part of the paper writing process and will be a co-author in future publications.

Location: Tel Aviv District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Itai Gueta

Email: [email protected]

enlightenedResearch Assistant:

Work from home and from the lab. Participation in laboratory projects related to the field of Ophthalmology. Guidance about writing articles and reviews will be given.

Location: Work from Home

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical

Contact details:

Name: Dr. Asaf Achiron

Email: [email protected]

More info: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Asaf-Achiron


enlightenedStudent for Thesis or Clinical Experience in Redox Regulation, Inflammation, and Cancer Thesis:

Particular to students who are interested in MD / PhD studies, details on my research topics appear on the laboratory website

Location: Haifa District

Desinate: Preclinical


Name: Dr. Moran Benhar, Ph.D.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 048295376

More info: https://benhar.net.technion.ac.il/


enlightenedStudent for Thesis:

Clinical research in the Department of Vascular Surgery at Carmel Medical Center

Location: Haifa District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: DR. Offer Galili

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 04-8250585


enlightenedStudent for Thesis or Research Assistant:

Cancer Research in the Department of Developmental Biology

Location: Jerusalem District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Dr. Yaniv M Elkouby

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 02-6758077 , 02-6757028

More info: https://www.yaniv-elkouby-lab.com/


enlightenedStudent for Thesis or Research Assistant:

In the Pediatric Orthopedics Unit at Shaare Zedek, various studies are conducted with medical students.

Location: Jerusalem District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Dr. Ehud Lebel

Email: [email protected]


enlightenedStudent for Thesis or Research Assistant:

Our lab is engaged in drug delivery systems, polymers synthesis and drug derivatives.

Location: Jerusalem District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Prof. Avi Domb

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 02-6757504


enlightenedStudent for Thesis or Research Assistant:

Research in the The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Location: Jerusalem District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Prof. Ehud Razin

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 02-6758288


enlightenedStudent for Thesis about Cardiology in Beilinson Hospital:

We will be happy to offer final thesis at Beilinson Hospital to students interested in cardiovascular imaging including CT and MRI of the heart in addition to cardiac mappings.

Location:  Tel Aviv District

Designate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Ashraf Hamdan, MD, FESC, FSCCT

Email[email protected]

Phone: 052-6660168


enlightenedMD Thesis at Beilinson Hospital:

Research assistant for thesis about the effect of TLR4 inhibition on the development of obesity damage and diabetes. The study focuses on knockout TL4, using laboratory-developed synthetic peptides. The study includes work with cell cultures and animals. The laboratory is located in Beilinson hospital, Felsenstein Research Building, Heart Research Laboratory.

Location: Tel Aviv District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Maayan, Tal

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0544350063, 03-9376284


enlightenedCardiology Project - Beilinson Hospital:

A MD student/doctor before an internship is required, for a study of Atherosclerosis through an understanding of processes and biological mechanisms related to the microbiome in humans.
The cardiology department of Belinson in collaboration with the Weizmann Institute. application will be needed for several months.

Location: Tel Aviv District

Desinate: Clinical


Name: Haya Levy Perlmuter

Phone: 0502978097

More info: Cardiology Division - Beilinson and Hasharon


enlightenedMD Thesis at Meir Hospital:

In the laboratory we study the interaction between multiple Myeloma cells and Mesenchymal stem cells in the bone marrow. We use extracellular, molecular, high-throughput and bioinformatics methods. The laboratory employs graduate (MD-PhD). Basic science work is also carried out.

Location:  Tel Aviv District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Prof. Liat Drucker

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 09-7472466

More info: The Oncogenetic Laboratory, Meir Medical Center


enlightenedResearch Assistant in Oncology department for thesis or laboratory experience at Sheba Tel Hashomer:

We are looking for talented MD students who are interested in Basic science. We are looking for medical students who are interested in basic research,
Our lab focuses on the study of the immunological synapse in proteome methods, in the context of malignancies and autoimmune diseases.
We would be happy to consider students who would be interested in Thesis.
The laboratory is located in the Center for Cancer Research in Sheba and is affiliated with Tel Aviv University.

Location: Tel Aviv District

Designate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Dr. Michael Peled

Email:  [email protected]

More info: We also accept students as part of the MD / PHD or MD/MSc programs.


enlightenedThesis about Morphogenesis of cytoskeleton in the embryonic development at Tel Aviv University:

Basic research in cellular and developmental biology. We study cytoskeleton control in morphogenesis processes during embryonic development, and use Nemetode C.elegans as a model. Prior knowledge in cell biology is required. Prior experience in laboratory  is an advantage but not required. The project will allow students to learn methods in molecular biology, genetics, advanced microscopy and image processing. Students are required to come to the lab at least three days a week and work a minimum of 8 hours a week for at least one semester.

Location:  Tel Aviv District

Desinate: Pre clinical


Name: Ronen Zaidel Bar

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 03-640-6781

More info: https://www.zaidelbarlab.com


enlightenedDr. Ori Ben David Lab, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University:

The lab focuses on the genetics of cancer. Located in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University (7th floor of the Sackler Building).
The laboratory has a number of MD / PhD students, and we offer medical students the opportunity to complete a final thesis.
In order to complete a final thesis in the laboratory, a previous background is required (at least at a basic level) in one of the following areas:
1) Experimental biology, with an emphasis on cell cultures and molecular methods
2) Computational biology, with an emphasis on basic programming ability (e.g. in R, Python, or Matlab) and working with Big Data.
Comprehensive information about the laboratory can be found on our website.

Location:  Tel Aviv District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Dr.Ori Ben David

Email: [email protected]

More info: http://www.bendavidlab.com


enlightenedResearch Assistant for thesis or job in the laboratory for liver research :

The Laboratory study is about Liver Diseases in Children, led by Dr. Orit Weisbord-Zinman and Prof. Raanan Shamir. We are recruiting graduate students and medical students for a final thesis. The laboratory's main fields are liver disease and bile ducts, mechanisms of damage and regeneration of bile ducts in collaboration with PENN University.
The researchers are working with a unique and innovative model that emphasizes the study of biliary atresia, as well as human organoids derived from a number of diseases in humans. The laboratory works with molecular biology methods, advanced microscopy, cell cultures and tissue cultures.
Job scope is dependent on the project. No prior knowledge is required.

Location:  Tel Aviv District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Dr. Orit Waisbourd-Zinman

Email: [email protected]

More info: Schneider children's medical center of israel


enlightenedMD/PhD or MD students for Thesis or Laboratory experience in Sheba Tel Hashomer.:

The Laboratory for the Study of Infectious Diseases (Gal-Mor Lab) , at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, accepts students as part of the MD / PHD program or MD students for Thesis or Laboratory experience.
The laboratory is affiliated with the Department of Microbiology and Clinical Immunology in the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University (https://med.tau.ac.il/Microbiology-Immunology-3).
Our goal is to hire students who are interested in molecular laboratory work and have a background or access to bioinformatics.
If you are curious, motivated, with high abilities and creative thinking, we would very much like to hear from you.
The research in our labs deals with a mechanical understanding with an applicative view of the interaction between salmonella bacteria and it’s host and the way in which this interaction causes disease. Our work combines basic and clinical research using up-to-date approaches and the use of molecular, genomic, epidemiological tools, cell cultures and in-vivo models.
Why join us?
- We answer fascinating research questions that combine advanced basic science and outstanding clinical challenges.
- Deal with issues that are at the forefront of science, but also affect the lives of many people in Israel and around the world.
- Engage in the development and use of up-to-date and multidisciplinary research methods and approaches.
- Your success in the research is important to us. We will work hard together to make it happen.
* Commitment to a minimum number of hours per week is required.

Location:  Tel Aviv District

Desinate: MD/PhD, Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Prof. Ohad Gal Mor.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 03530458

More info: http://Galmor-lab.com


enlightenedStudents for basic research in The Oncology Research Lab at Shamir (Assaf Harofeh) Medical Center:

Our lab is devoted to translational research in the field of oncology. Previous research topics included cancer-specific DNA methylation and microRNA in the serum as biomarkers for response to treatment. Additionally we investigated molecular mechanisms for breast cancer susceptibility in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. In light of recent revolutionary advancements in cancer immune-therapy, we became interested in co-stimulatory signals at the immunological synapse which may improve response to immune checkpoint inhibitors. More specifically, we focus on the receptor-ligand pair OX40-OX40L in melanoma. In one arm of the study we look for OX40L expression in melanoma cells and its possible relations with prognostic parameters of the disease. In a second arm, we study the functional outcome of OX40L expression by melanoma cells on immune cell responses such as acquisition of T-cell cytotoxicity and the molecular mechanisms involved. Immunohistochemistry of clinical tissues and correlation analysis with patients clinical parameters. General molecular biology methods for DNA, RNA and protein analysis including qPCR, sequencing, western blot. We generate gene transfected cell models and use them for in-vitro/ex vivo co-cultures of cancer and immune cells. We test functional responses by ELISA, FACS, and immune cell staining. 

Location: Tel Aviv District

Designate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: DR. Raya Leibowitz (MD,PhD) and Ayelet Avraham (PhD)

Email[email protected][email protected]

Phone: 08-9779715

More info: Shamir (Assaf Harofeh) Medical Center


enlightenedStudent for Thesis or Research Assistant:

We do basic research and translations with an emphasis on kidney stem cells, molecular mechanisms of aging and kidney cancer, so I think this should be super interesting for medical students who are interested in research with the added value of a hospital lab and much interaction with clinicians. We have a variety of projects running so I definitely think that if a suitable student approaches us it can work well.

Location: Tel Aviv District

Designate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Dr. Oren Plen

Email[email protected][email protected]

Phone: 03-5302095

More info: https://www.kidneylab.sites.tau.ac.il/


enlightenedResearch on motor learning and control in healthy people and movement disorders:

We are looking for a research assistant to help with the project on the connection between walking pace and hand movement in Parkinson's patients. The project combines data collection, data analysis, and creative thinking. The project will take place in the Movement Science Laboratory at Tel Aviv University, and the student will learn about topics of control and motor learning.

Location:  Tel Aviv District

Designate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Dr. Jason Friedman

Email[email protected]

Phone: 03-6405341

More infohttp://www.movementscienceslab.com


enlightenedJob or MD Thesis about Oncology - Ichilov:

The laboratory of the oncology department at the Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov) headed by Prof. Ido Wolf and Dr. Tami Rubink is looking for MD students for thesis or for clinical research assistant

Location: Tel Aviv District

Desinate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Prof. Ido Wolf

Email: [email protected]

Name: Dr. Tami Rubinek

Email: [email protected]

More info: The Oncology Department - Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov)


enlightenedStudent for Thesis about Cancer - CRBC:

I would like to collaborate with an MD student for integration into one of our projects, for a thesis.
I refer you to our website which describes our research at the Center for Cancer Research - CBRC Joint Life Sciences and School of Medicine.

Location:  Tel Aviv District

Designate: Preclinical & Clinical


Name: Dr. Orit Uziel

Email[email protected]

More infohttps://cbrc.tau.ac.il/Dr-Orit-Uziel