

On this page, the most recent vacancies of the Journal of Israeli Medical Students (JIMS) are published. See below!




Information for Applicants


Year after year, the JIMS continues to reach new and unimaginable heights. As a member of the JIMS staff, a significant commitment of time and dedication is expected. Thus, applicants should be genuinely keen to make a positive contribution to the journal and execute assigned tasks effectively, promptly, and wholeheartedly.



Interested? Send your CV (EN/HE) and motivational letter (EN) to: [email protected]




 Looking for our next Editor-in-Chief - Let's Make An Impact Together! 

Apply by November 10th.



Are you up for an exciting opportunity that's both fulfilling and enjoyable?

We're on the lookout for a new Editor-in-Cheif, and that person could be you!


Full description of the role





Join the Students Committee Board - Let's Make An Impact Together!

Apply by November 10th.



Are you up for an exciting opportunity that's both fulfilling and enjoyable?

We're on the lookout for a new member to join our team at the Student Committee Board, and that person could be you!


Full description of the role





Note: All staff positions require a minimum of one year commitment